The world of today suffers from a financial and an environmental crisis that create new responsibilities for designer, but also new opportunities. As a graphic designer, I was told that paper industry was one of the more polluting one in the world, that inks are extremely toxic for the environment, and that clients doesn’t have the budget to invest into communication anymore. I began to wonder if Communication Design was an activity that can last. Victor Papanek, the most famous defender of a more responsible design, argues that: “the designer is in a position where difficult moral and ethical choices have to be made”. Does this situation only create restrictions or can it raise new challenges and offers interesting opportunities to communication design? In addition to my Senior Thesis "Alternatives Solutions for Eco-Friendly Graphic Design" which is about solutions for more sustainability and respect of environment, I have created this blog that gives concrete sample examples of designers and tips to be an eco-friendly graphic designer. This blog needs to be considered as a virtual exhibition to give inspiration, links and solutions to designers that want to be more sustainable in their work. It deals with the different steps of a project conception from the elaboration of the concept to the production.
The aim of this blog is to show to designers, professionals and novices, that creating and producing pieces of graphic design in an eco-friendly way doesn't necessarily limit things and creativity, but on contrary can make solutions more clever and originality blossom. I really feel that constraints help creation and that less is more.